Ants Ants and More Ants

Ants, ants, and more ants; there are 3 main ants found on Long Island and they are pavement ants, house ants, and carpenter ants. They’re an invading army that live in a very organized and structured society near you. Don’t let them get inside your home otherwise, you will have a big problem. If you’re getting overrun by them, you’ll need Pro-Force Pest Solutions to fight back. Ants are more than just an annoyance, they can create unhealthy conditions in your home or business because they carry bacteria as well as disease. They can get inside your wood and damage your home or building structure.
Long Islands Most Common Ants
1. Pavement Ants: they are called pavement ants because they often nest in the cracks, which can be very invasive. These small and brown ants will forage up to 30 feet away from their nests to find food. This is usually how they end up inside, creating nests in walls and under floors.
2. Odorous House Ants: Their name comes from the smell that emits when you crush them, and these ants are one of the most troublesome pests to combat. The reason being, the colonies are HUGE, with more than 10,000 ants and multiple queens. These ants are pretty smart too, the usual pesticide you grab at your local DIY store will not be enough. Those are repellents, and these ants will literally move a few feet away to avoid it and find another way in. It is important to note that this species is virtually impossible to control and remove without professional help. In fact, we’ve noticed that the more a property owner has done to get rid of odorous house ants, the more difficult it is for us to get rid of them. If you are a homeowner or business owner and catch one, then squish it between your fingers resulting in a smell that is something nasty, like rotten coconut, don’t spray! Call your local friendly pest control professional as Pro-Force Pest Solutions, it’s worth it.
3. Carpenter Ants: One of the largest ants found in this area, the carpenter ant often makes tunnels in rotting trees or wood, but they will nest in any hollow area that is close to food or water. The carpenter ant will forage up to 300 feet for food; that is crazy! A common misconception is that carpenter ants eat wood. This is not true! They hollow out wood to make nests for their young, but they prefer to eat honey-dew like most ants. This is a sweet solution produced by aphids. Carpenter ants are more than just a nuisance inside your home, they can actually destroy it. In some parts of the country, ants cause more damage to homes than termites, which can cost a homeowner over $1 billion each year.
Are Ants Dangerous?
Ants are considered to be dangerous in relation to people for a couple of different reasons including that they can carry bacteria and parasites on their legs and bodies which they can contaminate food and surfaces with resulting in illness. Also, some species of ants like the red imported and have the ability to inflict painful stings and bites making them a danger to people.
What’s The Difference Between Carpenter Ants and Termites?
Two species of household invading insects that are often mistaken for one another is the carpenter ant and the termite. It is important to understand that while both are destructive they are two totally different species of insects.
Termites actually feed on the wood that they have invaded and are tunneling through, while the carpenter ant does not feed on the wood. Carpenter ants invade the inside of structural wood to create new nesting galleries to help expand their colony. Winged termite and termite swarmers look very similar, so in order to help you tell them apart we have listed some of their more obvious differences below:
- Carpenter ants and termites both have two pairs of wings-front wings and back wings. The termite’s front and back wings are the same length, while the carpenter ant’s back wings are much shorter than their front wings.
- Termites have straight antennae while the carpenter ant’s antennae are bent.
- Carpenter ants have a pinched waist, while the termite’s waist is straight.
- Termite wings are twice as long as their body.
Steps to an Ant Free Home
There are simple prevention tips you can do today to reduce your chances of unintentionally inviting ants into your home.
1. Know where ants like to go or hang out in a home.
There is no surprise that you hear of ants in the kitchen, right? I mean, after all, kitchens are full of food, water, and most everything all pests need to survive.
2. Eliminate water sources to prevent ants.
Simply by reducing moisture and standing water around your home can go a long way to help prevent attracting ants. When you notice leaky pipes repair them immediately. As a homeowner, you should routinely check under sinks for areas of moisture and consider using a dehumidifier in damp basements, crawl spaces, or attics. On the outside of your home ensure that downspouts and gutters are functioning properly so that water flows away from the home’s foundation which could attract ants to you.
3. Eliminate food sources
Keeping your kitchen clean will help to discourage ants from coming inside but that is not all you need to do to stop them. It is also important to wipe down counters and sweep floors regularly to eliminate crumbs or spills. Some other simple ways to avoid ants in the kitchen are keeping ripe fruit in the refrigerator and wipe down any sticky jars.
4. Don’t forget about your pets
Yes, that’s right cats, dogs and other pets can invite ants into your home. Inspect your animal to ensure they are not on them. Ants can enter into the home the same way the animals come in and they can fit through even the tiniest openings. At Pro-Force Pest Solutions we often see pet food as the main source that attracts ants in the home. Using pest-proof containers is a great way to deter ants from inside. Their food and water bowls attract pests, so be sure to keep pet bowls clean and tidy up any spilled food or water immediately.
5. Eliminate access points
Take your time to inspect the outside of your home for access points. Trees and bushes should be trimmed away from the home, as branches can provide the superhighway for ants to get inside.
6. You Don’t Have To Do It Alone
Often homeowners would like to save money and attempt to treat their ant problems themselves. Although sometimes it is possible to resolve the visual ants seems but most often you are not fixing the entire problem. Without the proper training and tools, battling ants can be an uphill battle. What’s worse, an infestation can continue to grow if it is not properly treated. Some species of ants can cause serious property damage (like carpenter ants) and others (like fire ants) can pose health threats to your family. Even species that are considered nuisance pests (like odorous house ants) can contaminate food.
Give Pro-Force Pest Solutions a call today for your FREE in-home estimate for a pest-free home.
Eastern Cicada Killer Wasps

During late July through August Pro-Force Pest Solutions often receives calls about large wasps swarming over lawns; and we know the Eastern Cicada Killer Wasps have hatched. These are often very large cicada killer wasps; these insects will seek out cicadas to serve as food for their larvae. The female cicada killer wasp looks threatening due to their size, which can range in size from 1 ¼ inch to 2 inches. The males of this wasp species are two times smaller than females. Although their unusual size along with their fearsome name would scare anyone they are actually quite harmless.
Cicada killer wasps are large and solitary insects. These robust wasps are hairy, the abdomen, the portion of the body immediately behind the insect’s “thread-waist,” is black with yellow markings on three segments. Their six legs are pale red to orange and the wings are a shaded brown color. Their brownish color wings although resemble the yellowjacket and hornet species do not be fooled!
What months Do The Cicada Killer Wasps Thrive?
- During the months of July through September, they are active and can be seen when the cicadas are most active.
How Did My Home Get Eastern Cicada Killer Wasps?
It is important to look for perfect nesting spots. The eastern cicada killer wasps generally look for areas in full sunlight near trees where cicadas live. They dig tunnels in the ground, causing unsightly damage to flower beds and lawns. It is also important to note that the eastern cicada killer wasps breed rapidly, so populations can quickly become overwhelming. When you notice signs of this happens calling in a professional pest control solutions company will quickly and efficiently help you before to much damage is done.
Are Eastern Cicada Killer Wasps Serious and Will They Sting?
With an average size of a wasp being 1 1/2 half inches long, an eastern cicada killer wasp looks very menacing and scary; however, they are relatively non-aggressive and are not likely to sting unless given no option but to defend themselves. Males are territorial and will dive-bomb if provoked, but they cannot sting thankfully. Females have stingers but don’t defend the nest as aggressively as males do. One would think with a name like Killer Wasp their sting would produce a strong punch to a body, but in fact they produce a very mild venom that is far less painful than the sting of many social wasps, like yellow jackets.
How Do You Get Rid of Eastern Cicada Killer Wasps?
Since these insects are not likely to sting, the homeowner may elect to apply insecticidal dust in and around the burrow entrance when first noticing cicada killer activity in the soil. When choosing to use insecticides, always read, and carefully follow the product’s label directions. If there is a heavy population located in a sensitive public area, the best thing to do is contact your pest management professional for their service.
How Do They Nest and When Do They Emerge?
Cicada Killer Wasps build their nests in the ground. Females dig burrows a foot or so deep where they store adult cicadas that the females have paralyzed by their sting. The eggs are laid on the cicadas which then hatch and the larvae feed on the dead bodies. Fully grown in one week, the larvae pupate into a cocoon, emerging the following summer, which is a complete metamorphosis.
Females sting the cicadas with a paralyzing toxin then hoist the cicada, which is more than twice their own body weight, through the air to their underground burrow in sandy or loose soils. You can also find nests in common areas like the lawn, along driveways and sidewalks, and in flowerbeds where the soil is dry and well-drained. The tunneling is quite extensive also, they bring large amounts of soil to the surface; which can be very unsightly.
They lay one egg on the cicada in a nest chamber at the end of the burrow. A second or sometimes even a third cicada body is often added because female larvae are larger than males and need more food. The chamber is then sealed and the process is repeated until multiple chambers are formed. The egg hatches in one or two days and the larvae consume the cicada meal for five to eight days until it reaches maturity. It then spins a cocoon and overwinters underground, pupating the following spring and hatching in July or August. After emerging from the ground, shortly after cicadas begin to sing, adults live two to six weeks to mate and lay eggs, feeding on flower nectar and plant sap.
How Should You Take Action and Use A Pesticide?
When control is needed, direct a pyrethroid insecticide application to the tunnel or entrance to the tunnel as this has been shown to reduce their activity. Broadcast insecticide applications over large areas have not provided consistent results.
What To Expect When You Call Pro-Force Pest Solutions?
If you see you have an insect issue on your property like the Cicada Killer Wasp and they decided to take up residence on your property, the pest control experts at Pro-Force Pest Solutions can help you eliminate them. Getting rid of cicadas can be challenging since it is important the treatment is timed just right to prevent a re-infestation.
The technicians at Pro-Force Pest Solutions have the experience and knowledge to successfully treat and control these pests. To learn more about our cicada killer wasp control services, contact us today.
Vehicle Disinfecting & Sanitizing Success!

Wow, what a great turnout for our 2nd FREE Vehicle Disinfecting & Sanitizing service for the Doctors ? Nurses ? First Responders and supporting staff from ALL Long Island / New York Hospitals. Our event was sponsored by Atlantic Chevrolet/Cadillac Bay Shore; who generously donated for every vehicle serviced a donation to the United Veterans Beacon House Food Pantry was made to feed the hungry. In addition, Pro-Force Facility Services would like to thank the following businesses and families who also contributed generously to the United Veterans Beacon House Food pantry and helped us raise over $1,500!
- Pines Motor Lodge
- Oconee Diner
- ASG Pest & Termite Management Corp
- Pro-Force Pest Solutions Corp.
- Pro-Force Facility Services
- Marge and Phil Paladino
A personal Thank You goes out to ALL the First Responders and Health Care Workers who participated in our event; thank you for your service and contribution you are making for us. We would like to also recognize and thank ALL our Employees who donated their time to help make our event a success!
Did you miss our event? Would you like your car disinfected & sanitized? Give us a call and we can take care of you at 631-951-7753 or email us a message.
Our disinfecting service includes the below as well as we will show you how to disinfect your vehicle on your own:
- Steering Wheel
- Dashboard
- Gear Shift
- Console
- Door Panel and Handles
- Carpet
- Seats
- All other surfaces
FREE Disinfecting Service for SARS-COVID-2

ProForce Facility Services our sister company is Calling all Doctors ? Nurses ? First Responders and supporting staff from ALL Long Island / New York Hospitals. In an effort to do our part and to say THANK YOU for your service we are are offering a FREE disinfecting cleaning of your vehicle ?.
We are taking appointments for First responders and all health care workers to disinfect your vehicle at NO charge.
Appointments will be on Sunday June 28, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Call today to make your appointment at 631-951.7753. Your vehicle will be serviced at the United Beacon House, Inc. located at 1715 Union Blvd., Bay Shore, NY 11706 across from Touro College.
Our event is sponsored by Atlantic Chevrolet/Cadillac Bay Shore; for every vehicle serviced a donation to the United Veterans Beacon House Food Pantry will be made to feed the hungry.
Our disinfecting service includes the below as well as we will show you how to disinfect your vehicle on your own:
- Steering Wheel
- Dashboard
- Gear Shift
- Console
- Door Panel and Handles
- Carpet
- Seats
- All other surfaces
Appointments filling up quickly don’t delay, call today 631-951-7753.
Disinfecting and Sanitizing for SARS-CoV-2

ProForce Pest Solutions offer disinfecting and sanitizing for the recent SARS-CoV-2 outbreak spreading. ProForce Pest Solutions maintains the health and safety of our customers, employees, business partners, and neighborhoods in which we provide service a top priority in our business.
Our business is taking the following proactive measures for the health and well-being of our customers. The useful tips below can be applied by everyone to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other related illnesses:
- Wash hands with soap and water for a minimum of 30 seconds.
- When coughing and sneezing do it into the elbow, and not your hands.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces along with shared equipment.
- The use of hand sanitizer is important as well that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching face, including eyes, nose and mouth.
- In the office some common areas as well as the bathrooms should be regularly cleaned and disinfected.
- Anyone including employees who show flu-like symptoms which include a fever, cough or shortness of breath are to remain at home until healthy.
- Consistent cleaning and disinfecting your work trucks and service vehicles are important to control the spread of the virus.
ProForce Pest Solutions offers commercial and residential disinfecting and sanitizing property cleaning for the rapidly spreading coronavirus COVID-19. The threat to the health and safety of your family, colleagues, customers and business we take very seriously. Our company can safely eliminate COVID-19 and other life-threatening viruses from your homes, condominiums, offices, hotels, retail centers, schools, hospitals, churches and warehouse where you do business.
Our products are EPA approved and are registered disinfectants proven to kill severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes COVID-19.
In addition, our products kill Hepatitis B and C, HIV-1 (AIDS Virus), Influenza A/Brazil Virus, and Influenza A H1N1 Virus. Our cleaning solution can be applied in one application to all interior rooms, common areas, and exteriors which can be sanitized, disinfected and deodorized. Our solutions are effective on soft surfaces including furniture, pillows, mattresses and carpeting so nothing is left out.
ProForce Pest Solutions offers through our sister company ProForce Facility Services sanitizing services and can be requested by itself or combined with termite and pest control service. Contact us today for a FREE estimate.
Carpenter Ants

Did you know Carpenter ants have a history of being a menace in homes?
Carpenter ants are a kind of pest infestation that can affect homes, work spaces and building alike. There are different types of ant infestations that can happen, but one of the most harmful ones is that of the carpenter ants. You need the best pest control solution to stop them from making colonies where you live and work.
Carpenter ants work in a hove caste system and is headed by the queen. The worker ants are the ones scavenging for food as well as most visible on the outside. The male ants in the colonies are only of use during the reproductive period.
What’s the bait for Carpenter Ants?
A common misconception is they eat what you eat, but that is not true. They get their food well outside of your homes or work spaces, but come inside to stay safe and breed. Ants are inherently laborious, working together to keep their colonies alive and well. They also do not eat wood as those are called termites; carpenter ants chew through the wood to only move ahead. What is most hazardous about carpenter ants is that they will not appear right above the wood for you to spot but start chewing from the inside. If you aren’t aware of this, they could do this for years as they hollow all your wood and rot your houses.
How do you get carpenter ants?
Improperly sanitized spaces attract ants fastest; unclean kitchen platforms, unwashed dishes or crumbs on the floor are a welcome playground for carpenter ants. As the carpenter ants look for food they leave behind a chemical trail as they go. As you may have seen ants are generally gathered together by following lines, this is because of the trail that the previous ants are leaving.
What should you be looking for?
Identification is the key! It could start out by a few of these black ants foraging for food in areas continuously visible. They are the largest of the ants that could enter your homes so you should be able to see them as they are not very difficult to spot. This is only the beginning, if you spot the infestation it is recommended to call immediately your pest solution company so you protect your home or office. Next, start to inspect your furniture to see if any damange has been done and possibly see how long you had them.
Why inspect my furniture?
They aren’t that rare of a menace so if you look for them, it is very much likely that you may find a colony or two. You should look for small collected dunes of sawdust around your wooden furniture or porches. They will chew through any and every wood structure and leave small holes on the outside.
What should be done to remove Carpenter Ants?
What you need is immediate pest control because manual removal or various anti-pest products are often unsuccessful in resolving the problem completely. So act wisely, and call for a pest control immediately.
Pro-Force Pest Solution is a women-owned business looking to serve you as well as all your pests or wildlife control needs. Give us a call today to discuss treatment options for your home. Visit us on Facebook, LIKE & FOLLOW our page for the latest specials and offers.
Bed Bugs Causes, Prevention, and Treatments

Bed bugs are one of the most common insects in the world. They are small reddish-brown insects that operate mostly at night, feeding on both animal and human blood; with each bite it can result in several health hazards such as skin rashes, blisters, and allergic symptoms to mention a few.
Their ever-increasing population growth is evident, 7 out of 10 homes have this pest. You can find them buildings like hotels, schools, and hospitals, that record high influx of people daily.
Infestation Causes
There are several causes of bed bug infestation. Below are some common examples;
- Constant Traveling
If your job involves travelling a lot or you have someone in your family whose job requires traveling, there is a high chance that you’ll face the wrath of this pest.
This is because different people from all walks of life lodge in hotels; making it easier for the insect to tag along with you wherever you go; like in your travel bags! Moreover, it takes just a pregnant female bed bug to have a sizeable group of bed bugs that can ravage your home.
- A Change in Pest Control Practice
If you change your pest control preventive practices, there is a possibility that you will have a problem with a pest. It is important that you use the services of an expert to help with your pest solutions.
Often, home or business owners will fumigate their space on their own in an effort to save money. This cost saving method could be the needed invitation for this pest to come into your home. Thus, you need to be very careful when changing ones pest control practices, and let a professional pest solution company help you to avoid unnecessary infestations and money.
- Insecticide Resistance
Bed bugs are born survivors, and you may find it hard getting rid of them. If you are the Do-It-Yourselfer type then you may want to consider the insecticide you intend using to combat this insect.
To save yourself the stress, time, and money, it’s best to hire a professional like Pro-Force Pest Solutions for pest control. With their years of experience and expertise, you can be sure to get your pest under control at a relatively low price. Pro-Force Pest Solutions is a women-owned business and a leading company when it comes to providing highly effective and affordable pest solutions.
How Likely Is It to Have Them in Your Home?
According to statistics released by pest professionals, findings shows that 91% of single homes are prone to bed bugs infestation, 89% for apartments/condominiums and the chance that hotels or motels are facing the infestations is 68%.
The report above shows that there is a high chance that you will have to deal with this infestation at some point.
Prevention Methods
Bed bugs are tourists, and can move from infested homes to a new home within a short period by traveling on furniture, clothing, bedding, and so on.
Nevertheless, there are ways to prevent these insects if you are lucky enough not to be their host already. The following are some foolproof ways to prevent their infestation;
- Reduce clutter in your homes to avoid creating a hiding place for them.
- Do a thorough check of your furniture, couches and beds for any sign of bed bugs.
- Use the service of a professional to fumigate your house or workspace frequently.
- Use protective covers for your mattresses, box springs to reduce potential hiding space.
- Consider buying a heating chamber to treat items you’re suspicious of housing the pest.
- Isolate each unit in your home by installing door sweeps at the bottom of every door and seal all cracks and crevices on all items.
Treatment Options
There are various ways you can treat bed bugs, depending on which works best for you. Here, we’ll be highlighting proven ways and how they work.
- Heat Treatments
According to pest professionals, this is the most effective bed bugs treatment. It is a chemical free treatment used in tackling bed bugs and other pest infestations. It involves heating the affected areas from an ambient air to above 120 °F.
However, you need to monitor the temperature by sensors and infrared thermometers during this period. This will prevent any damages on the affected items as a result of over-heating.
- Steam Treatments
Similar to the heat treatment, steam treatment involves the release of lethal temperatures into accessible and inaccessible areas for bed bugs. Like others, this kind of pest treatment can exterminate any kind of pest from any cracks and crevices.
Also, it is chemical free and has a reputation for eliminating the insect in a single treatment irrespective of their population.
Closing Remarks
Infestation of bed bugs can be frustrating but there is one fast effective solution; call a professional at Pro-Force Pest Solutions. There are many health hazards caused by these insects, as well as they have a fowl odor to deal with. However, adopting one of the aforementioned treatment methods should help solve your problem.
Pro-Force Pest Solution is a women-owned business looking to serve you as well as all your pests or wildlife control needs. Give us a call today to discuss treatment options for your home. Visit us on Facebook, LIKE & FOLLOW our page for the latest specials and offers.
Types of Termites

What are Termites?
Termites are insects that live and feed on wood. Many people in the world confuse them with ants because they might look just like ants, but there is a huge difference between termites and ants; learn the types of termites there are so that you can eliminate them properly. Termites feed on wood, and ants collect their food from its surrounding. The common thing between both of them is that they live in colonies.
Termites are whitish in color, have six legs, wings, segmented bodies and are so small ¼ to ½ inch long. They hide in warm, moist environments, and termites live in social groups called colonies. They are hungry all the time and eat 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Termites eat dead plants, cardboard, trees, and also paper backing on sheetrock to mention a few.
Types of Termites
There are three main types of termites:
- Dampwood
- Drywood
- Subterranean
Dampwood termites are one type of termite and are slightly larger than the others. As the name suggests, dampwood termites prefer to live and feed on moist and wet wood. Dampwood termites love to live close to the ground and don’t have a worker in their colonies; they work individually. Dampwood termites do not damage homes because they only live in moist and wet wood while in our homes, we use drywood. However, if your home contains leaking pipe and that pipe touches any wood, then there is a chance of them entering the house.
The next type of termite are drywood. They work in colonies of about 2,500. Like dampwood, drywood termites do not have a worker rather than they have a false worker who is juvenile in appearance who performs several duties like feeding colonies as well as caring for the eggs. Drywood termites are hazardous for the house because they love to feed on bare dry wood, as you know from the name. They are commonly found in door frames.
Subterranean termites build their nests underground, usually damaged wood has an accumulation of soil or mud within the tunnels of the wood they are eating. Since subterranean termites only eat the softwood, damaged wood appears to be layered, the result of the workers not eating the hardwood portion. In addition, subterranean termites feed “with the grain” rather than across the grain, as do drywood termites.
How Serious Are Subterranean Termites?
As the most common type of termite nationwide, subterranean termites cause billions of dollars in structural damage every year. In addition, they eat books, paper products, cellulose-based products, and a variety of other plant-based goods.
How to Detect the Types of Termites in Your Home?
If you believe you have termites in your home or office it is recommended to call a professional right away to ensure you measure the extent of the damage as well as to locate them all in your location.
Termites often live in your home for an extended period of time without you detecting them. The following are the top 4 signs there is termite activity:
- Blisters in wood flooring
- Hollowed wood
- Confirmation of swarms
- Mud tubes
Blisters in wood flooring
These areas show that they are feeding themselves within or below the wood floor. Subterranean ones damage the floor in this way that looks like it has water damage.
Hollowed wood
Hollowed wood is the most dangerous because they eat below and behind surfaces, just like walls and floors made of wood. They chew all the wood because they are in search of cellulose, and they leave behind a long pencil-like long mud tube. As time passes, these mud tubes weaken the wood and damage it from inside.
Confirmation of swarms
Discarded termite-wings are a sign that a new colony is starting. Most often discarded wings are found near windows, doors as well as other home-access. They twist their wings off because they no longer need them as they are now starting their new life cycle.
Mud tubes
Mud tubes are basically found where the ground meets the edge of the house or any other place where your house touch with any tree or shed. Mud tubes need a specific type of humidity level to survive, and homes provide that temperature, that’s why you often find them in the house.
How can you prevent your home from different types of termites?
There are a few main methods by which you can prevent your investment from termites:
- Remove all lumber, wood, plants, mulch, paper, cardboard, etc., from around the foundation.
- Ensure sure storm drains empty a few feet from the foundation and that your soil drainage is effective in minimizing overly moist soil.
- Create a 4-inch barrier between mulch and your home. Ideally, only the concrete foundation should touch the soil, with siding starting at least 6 inches above the soil.
- Fix leaky faucets and eliminate other sources of excess moisture, as that creates perfect conditions for termite invasions.
- Keep plants a few feet away from your home for the best termite prevention.
- During swarming season (after the winter thaw as temperatures rise), turn off outdoor lights at night. If possible, relocate lights to recessed areas away from doors and windows, as the light attracts swarmers.
What to do when you have them?
When you see you have termites in your house, you can immediately do the following things.
- First, contact a professional to ensure the safe removal and protection of your investment.
- If you plan on doing it yourself, then, create a barrier around your house using a liquid termiticide treatment.
- Use termite bait or termite killing poison on the entire colony of termites.
- Use nematodes (roundworms that can kill termites) to destroy the whole termite colony.
- If there are a lot of termite colonies, then call a professional to remove termite colonies.
- Termites are in search of cellulose; try to remove cellulose based debris from your house.
- Put a gap between your house and the ground.
Tools That Professionals Use
Professionals use the following tools to detect the types of termites in your home:
- Acoustic emission detector: The best thing about this detector is that it recognizes them by their sound.
- Gas detector: Carbon-dioxide or methane are best to detect termites.
- Ice pick/Screwdriver: Screwdriver is used to prob the hollow spots.
- Borescope: Borescope has a flexible shaft as well as has fiber-optic light, which helps to suspect the tiny holes.
- Moisture meter: As we know that dampwood termites love to live in moist place. So, the moisture meter helps to check the moisture above 15%.
- Microwaves: Microwaves help to detect the termite moving through the wood as well as under the drywall or tile using a radar.
- Infrared imaging: Infrared imaging help to scan the elevated moisture level with the help of heater. It will help to make visible the termite colony.
Termite Pest Solutions
ProForce Pest Solutions uses an advanced bait systems to free your home from the termites. Our advanced technologies include the following steps to remove all types of termites:
- The professional management team will inspect your whole house for termites, if it is determined you have them, then we will install around the perimeter of your home the Advanced Bait System.
- Second, we will start checking termite activity once we find they are feeding on bait. As the bait starts to work on one termite, it will affect the others and eventually destroy the entire colony.
ProForce Pest Solutions serves; Residential, Commercial, and Industrial customers across Nassau Country, Suffolk Country, Queens, Brooklyn, and New York. If you believe you have a termite problem contact us.
Check us out on our new Facebook Page and leave us a comment or review.