Vehicle Disinfecting & Sanitizing Success!

Wow, what a great turnout for our 2nd FREE Vehicle Disinfecting & Sanitizing service for the Doctors ? Nurses ? First Responders and supporting staff from ALL Long Island / New York Hospitals. Our event was sponsored by Atlantic Chevrolet/Cadillac Bay Shore; who generously donated for every vehicle serviced a donation to the United Veterans Beacon House Food Pantry was made to feed the hungry. In addition, Pro-Force Facility Services would like to thank the following businesses and families who also contributed generously to the United Veterans Beacon House Food pantry and helped us raise over $1,500!
- Pines Motor Lodge
- Oconee Diner
- ASG Pest & Termite Management Corp
- Pro-Force Pest Solutions Corp.
- Pro-Force Facility Services
- Marge and Phil Paladino
A personal Thank You goes out to ALL the First Responders and Health Care Workers who participated in our event; thank you for your service and contribution you are making for us. We would like to also recognize and thank ALL our Employees who donated their time to help make our event a success!
Did you miss our event? Would you like your car disinfected & sanitized? Give us a call and we can take care of you at 631-951-7753 or email us a message.
Our disinfecting service includes the below as well as we will show you how to disinfect your vehicle on your own:
- Steering Wheel
- Dashboard
- Gear Shift
- Console
- Door Panel and Handles
- Carpet
- Seats
- All other surfaces
FREE Disinfecting Service for SARS-COVID-2

ProForce Facility Services our sister company is Calling all Doctors ? Nurses ? First Responders and supporting staff from ALL Long Island / New York Hospitals. In an effort to do our part and to say THANK YOU for your service we are are offering a FREE disinfecting cleaning of your vehicle ?.
We are taking appointments for First responders and all health care workers to disinfect your vehicle at NO charge.
Appointments will be on Sunday June 28, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Call today to make your appointment at 631-951.7753. Your vehicle will be serviced at the United Beacon House, Inc. located at 1715 Union Blvd., Bay Shore, NY 11706 across from Touro College.
Our event is sponsored by Atlantic Chevrolet/Cadillac Bay Shore; for every vehicle serviced a donation to the United Veterans Beacon House Food Pantry will be made to feed the hungry.
Our disinfecting service includes the below as well as we will show you how to disinfect your vehicle on your own:
- Steering Wheel
- Dashboard
- Gear Shift
- Console
- Door Panel and Handles
- Carpet
- Seats
- All other surfaces
Appointments filling up quickly don’t delay, call today 631-951-7753.
Disinfecting and Sanitizing for SARS-CoV-2

ProForce Pest Solutions offer disinfecting and sanitizing for the recent SARS-CoV-2 outbreak spreading. ProForce Pest Solutions maintains the health and safety of our customers, employees, business partners, and neighborhoods in which we provide service a top priority in our business.
Our business is taking the following proactive measures for the health and well-being of our customers. The useful tips below can be applied by everyone to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other related illnesses:
- Wash hands with soap and water for a minimum of 30 seconds.
- When coughing and sneezing do it into the elbow, and not your hands.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces along with shared equipment.
- The use of hand sanitizer is important as well that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching face, including eyes, nose and mouth.
- In the office some common areas as well as the bathrooms should be regularly cleaned and disinfected.
- Anyone including employees who show flu-like symptoms which include a fever, cough or shortness of breath are to remain at home until healthy.
- Consistent cleaning and disinfecting your work trucks and service vehicles are important to control the spread of the virus.
ProForce Pest Solutions offers commercial and residential disinfecting and sanitizing property cleaning for the rapidly spreading coronavirus COVID-19. The threat to the health and safety of your family, colleagues, customers and business we take very seriously. Our company can safely eliminate COVID-19 and other life-threatening viruses from your homes, condominiums, offices, hotels, retail centers, schools, hospitals, churches and warehouse where you do business.
Our products are EPA approved and are registered disinfectants proven to kill severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes COVID-19.
In addition, our products kill Hepatitis B and C, HIV-1 (AIDS Virus), Influenza A/Brazil Virus, and Influenza A H1N1 Virus. Our cleaning solution can be applied in one application to all interior rooms, common areas, and exteriors which can be sanitized, disinfected and deodorized. Our solutions are effective on soft surfaces including furniture, pillows, mattresses and carpeting so nothing is left out.
ProForce Pest Solutions offers through our sister company ProForce Facility Services sanitizing services and can be requested by itself or combined with termite and pest control service. Contact us today for a FREE estimate.