Bed Bugs Causes, Prevention, and Treatments

Bed bugs are one of the most common insects in the world. They are small reddish-brown insects that operate mostly at night, feeding on both animal and human blood; with each bite it can result in several health hazards such as skin rashes, blisters, and allergic symptoms to mention a few.
Their ever-increasing population growth is evident, 7 out of 10 homes have this pest. You can find them buildings like hotels, schools, and hospitals, that record high influx of people daily.
Infestation Causes
There are several causes of bed bug infestation. Below are some common examples;
- Constant Traveling
If your job involves travelling a lot or you have someone in your family whose job requires traveling, there is a high chance that you’ll face the wrath of this pest.
This is because different people from all walks of life lodge in hotels; making it easier for the insect to tag along with you wherever you go; like in your travel bags! Moreover, it takes just a pregnant female bed bug to have a sizeable group of bed bugs that can ravage your home.
- A Change in Pest Control Practice
If you change your pest control preventive practices, there is a possibility that you will have a problem with a pest. It is important that you use the services of an expert to help with your pest solutions.
Often, home or business owners will fumigate their space on their own in an effort to save money. This cost saving method could be the needed invitation for this pest to come into your home. Thus, you need to be very careful when changing ones pest control practices, and let a professional pest solution company help you to avoid unnecessary infestations and money.
- Insecticide Resistance
Bed bugs are born survivors, and you may find it hard getting rid of them. If you are the Do-It-Yourselfer type then you may want to consider the insecticide you intend using to combat this insect.
To save yourself the stress, time, and money, it’s best to hire a professional like Pro-Force Pest Solutions for pest control. With their years of experience and expertise, you can be sure to get your pest under control at a relatively low price. Pro-Force Pest Solutions is a women-owned business and a leading company when it comes to providing highly effective and affordable pest solutions.
How Likely Is It to Have Them in Your Home?
According to statistics released by pest professionals, findings shows that 91% of single homes are prone to bed bugs infestation, 89% for apartments/condominiums and the chance that hotels or motels are facing the infestations is 68%.
The report above shows that there is a high chance that you will have to deal with this infestation at some point.
Prevention Methods
Bed bugs are tourists, and can move from infested homes to a new home within a short period by traveling on furniture, clothing, bedding, and so on.
Nevertheless, there are ways to prevent these insects if you are lucky enough not to be their host already. The following are some foolproof ways to prevent their infestation;
- Reduce clutter in your homes to avoid creating a hiding place for them.
- Do a thorough check of your furniture, couches and beds for any sign of bed bugs.
- Use the service of a professional to fumigate your house or workspace frequently.
- Use protective covers for your mattresses, box springs to reduce potential hiding space.
- Consider buying a heating chamber to treat items you’re suspicious of housing the pest.
- Isolate each unit in your home by installing door sweeps at the bottom of every door and seal all cracks and crevices on all items.
Treatment Options
There are various ways you can treat bed bugs, depending on which works best for you. Here, we’ll be highlighting proven ways and how they work.
- Heat Treatments
According to pest professionals, this is the most effective bed bugs treatment. It is a chemical free treatment used in tackling bed bugs and other pest infestations. It involves heating the affected areas from an ambient air to above 120 °F.
However, you need to monitor the temperature by sensors and infrared thermometers during this period. This will prevent any damages on the affected items as a result of over-heating.
- Steam Treatments
Similar to the heat treatment, steam treatment involves the release of lethal temperatures into accessible and inaccessible areas for bed bugs. Like others, this kind of pest treatment can exterminate any kind of pest from any cracks and crevices.
Also, it is chemical free and has a reputation for eliminating the insect in a single treatment irrespective of their population.
Closing Remarks
Infestation of bed bugs can be frustrating but there is one fast effective solution; call a professional at Pro-Force Pest Solutions. There are many health hazards caused by these insects, as well as they have a fowl odor to deal with. However, adopting one of the aforementioned treatment methods should help solve your problem.
Pro-Force Pest Solution is a women-owned business looking to serve you as well as all your pests or wildlife control needs. Give us a call today to discuss treatment options for your home. Visit us on Facebook, LIKE & FOLLOW our page for the latest specials and offers.
Tags: bed bug, bed bugs, bed bugs in dorm rooms, bed bugs in the home, bedbugs